Zylmor, Dromdrevc and life as it is

Writing - both fiction and non-fiction, really bad poetry, photos, paintings and stuff

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May 4, 2009

The sun shone hot beams across Tralee Bay, warm fuzzies were flowing through me when I spotted these delightful dandelions. Much maligned in modern west Earth, to me they are like little suns reflecting and wallowing in the power of the sun.
Back on Zylmor child slaves created flowers from fragile polymers in a variety of shades of red, with green stems, to look at earth flowers in all colours of the rainbow I always smile. Once a long time ago in Earth years I thought I met another survivor from the Wars of Concavity.
I was sitting in my attic room of my Earth parent listening to the space between each radio station when I heard a song, "Flowers are red young man, green leaves are green" This was back before internet and by the time I found someonewho had heard of the song and found out the artist, he was dead. Harry Chapin died in a mysterious car crash days before I had his publishers telephone number. On his headstone I later discovered,
"Oh if a man tried
To take his time on Earth
And prove before he died
What one man's life could be worth
I wonder what would happen
to this world"

I became obsessed with his lyrics, feeling somewhere in every song was a little of Dromdrevc.