Zylmor, Dromdrevc and life as it is

Writing - both fiction and non-fiction, really bad poetry, photos, paintings and stuff

Bloggers - Meet Millions of Bloggers

Jul 9, 2012


I am writing a series of vignettes of the characters that will form the core of characters in {no sorry can't say it}  and I am busy knocking them into shape, making them well rounded individuals with different character traits, goals, dreams and reality.

We all carry a slightly different reality, an obstacle to one person is something to be trampled on by another. We all react differently to situations; if someone hurts me I become insular until it is resolved within myself with the Lord's help and guidance, other people have to share their hurt, spreading it out amongst other people, other people are quick to turn hurt into offense.

Yesterday I was with a group of people on an outreach mission. Such blessings, all these people were. I brought my camera and took photos of the team as I found them smiling, shining the light of the Lord in their personalities. It was captured. Still images of a light that never stays still. As we live lives for God's glory and His light shines through us, it moves to other people whilst staying within us. 

We all have the same goal, the same dream, the same reality and yet we live out that goal in different ways. Like my characters we all have different personalities, we have all come from different places literally and figuratively, different life experiences, cultural differences. Once we understand each others' motives based on personality we can rub off on one another in a good way. One person is good at organising, one person is good at teaching, another at preaching, another is a gifted musician and more are able to do the jobs that need to be done - mopping a floor, clearing a table, greeting, chatting, taking a photo.

I knew when I took the images, where they were going, that they were going to be published on the internet so I was careful and sensitive of whom I took pictures. When the people we were outreaching to arrived I put away my camera. I knew when I started to write about my characters where they were going and what they were going to do. They have been in my head ever since the incident that took Denise's life. The characters of a cojoined childhood and disjointed adulthood.

When we stop, stock still and just breathe in and out, just be in God's presence, focusing on Him alone, we feel the goal, we feel our place in it all. The byline that is increasingly becoming mine "my God wanted me, wanted someone like me to be in His family, if he wants someone like me, he really, really does want everyone, he wants you too"

And that is the bottom line, end of the contract, signature stuff. We are holy people working for God's glory in all we think do and say ready for Him to return, loving the relationship, bonded to Him.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV


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