Zylmor, Dromdrevc and life as it is

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Jul 13, 2009

Food - Zylmor and Earth

I travel around the earth and love to see different foods available. In Dromdrevc the food was rich, each new politabub or Charter wanted a signature dish that was more indulgent than the last. Some of the food was so delectable I could barely use language to describe it but I tired of the richness of the food and longed for the simple dishes of my early childhood.
Arriving on the earth I had the blandness of bottlemilk for many months until the human teeth came through. Then human babyfood from little tins and jars again it was very bland but luckily my earth parentfem enjoyed eating half of what I had to endure.
I am not sure my journey with earth food was as a result of being an artprisoner in Dromdrevc or perhaps my mentality had a fissure of imbalance due to shift to earth but I noticed quite quickly that my earth body had no interest in trying new foods. In my second and third earth years I ate dry cornflakes for breakfast, mid morning snack was slices of apple without peel, lunch was a concoction of cheese and beetroot encased in a bread item called a barmcake and then for high tea, a piece of chop meat and tomato. I refused to eat anything else and no doubt caused the mother great anxiety. I was not speaking, I did not trust my accent or that I would suddenly speak Zylese. My concerns were amplified by the mother who seemed to be having a meltdown of some kind and the way she spoke to me in private was harsh and monosyllabic, in public she was effusively chatty, the frowns would disappear and smiles take their place.
My earthsibs also seemed to have issues with me, it seemed there was some huge problem around my birth that no one spoke of because they all knew it. My mind-talk was faulty, I discovered I could mind-listen people who were empathetic to me but I was five in earth years before I met an empathetic person. For a person who had spent many years in prison, unable to mind-speak or speak freely it was not a hardship for me but it was lonely. I developed rituals around food, each different food on my plate had to be seperate and single ingredients only. vegetables had to be raw, no sauce of any kind. Looking back from now I see that I was trying to find some control in my life, something that only I could control.
It took me a long time to come out of the control of food and to begin to appreciate the simple pleasure of food and eating. Living on my own again in Cork during the week I find that I am buying the same foods each week, my lunches are the same and my dinners are based on the same items, raw vegetables, beans and tomato - am I regressing? I am monitoring myself and attempting to try different foods again

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