Zylmor, Dromdrevc and life as it is

Writing - both fiction and non-fiction, really bad poetry, photos, paintings and stuff

Bloggers - Meet Millions of Bloggers

Aug 4, 2009

When these photos were taken we were young and naive, but already some of us had lost what is most precious to a girl. Two had thrown it away with great abandon and the others would in time give it lovingly to their first true love.
It didn't matter in those days, it wasn't important, only now in the tomorrow of these lives does it matter. Not the losing but in the way we lived our lives. We were disrespectful to ourselves, we went into situations that were not safe for any of us. More than one of us "dated" inappropriate men, too old for us. Looking back these lolita type relationships fill me with disgust, how could we have allowed ourselves to be swayed by these men. As I look now at young girls I know why. Girls seem to have a need in them to be liked, to fit in and only the very strongest girls make it through without giving in to peer pressure whether by drugs, drink or body.
If I could go back and do it again I hope I would have the strength to be strong to study, to concentrate on my learning and leave the social side behind, I procrastinate much on the subject but I also now I would never be strong enough and I would be swayed by whatever is popular at the time.
I was in the company of a woman on Saturday night who like myself was on the periphary of drug tasking in the 70's and 80's. Both of us had a shocking taste of the underside of this world, she came across an overdose in a friend and I saw the results in my sister. This put us both off ever trying drugs. No amount of shocking discoveries stopped me down other routes of self destruction. But no matter how hard I tried to die it wasn't to be and now I am thankful for that.
Tomorrow, my tomorrow now, I am strong, I can live in this world in my own way without being swayed by peer pressure.

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