Zylmor, Dromdrevc and life as it is

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Aug 1, 2009

Tomorrow Came Early

I slept through the night until a dream interrupted me, it was so vivid, cartoon style glimpse of the future.
I was going to visit a gravel pit, not sure why or how I got there but when I did there were huge towers hundreds and hundreds of feet tall and not very wide or deep. Fast forward to me leaving the gravel pit and I was on the upper most floor, although floor is a misnomer, it was a vehicle park but the vehicles were packed so tight I had to manually swing my vehicle out tip toeing on the precipice and pulling the air-vehicle out (low tech meets hi-tech, I guess) and then I flew off along the "road". In the vehicle there was a map, a 3-D representational image of the terrain and at what level I was to travel. The controls were mostly automatic, calling out destination and I arrived.
When today arrived and I woke up I contemplated how this dream related to this life or my previous life on Zylmor. I could find no parallel, on this world the most advanced vehicles and mapping would not compare and car parking there is no way I would manually drive out of a space with my feet outside the car it would make no sense. Equally on Zylmor we were very advanced as a species, mind-talk and the evolution of order but the workings, the nuts and bolts of Dromdrevc were low key, buildings were not seen to be built they just were. Maybe because I was much younger then everything seemed new and exciting, but we didn't have teleporters or other Star Trek gadgets, even the orb of concavity was not surrounded by hi-tech computer banks but a clear wall similar to earth perspex, a complex polymer that bounced if touched but stood erect and solid as if a pane of earth glass.
No, this was a new dimension, this vehicle park tower, and why a gravel pit, even here on earth if I need gravel I ring a man who can and he goes and brings me gravel. Why would I travel to a gravel pit? As with all dreams the detail is lost and only these few glimpses remain. What could it possibly be alluding to: a new tomorrow, a new planet, a person from Zylmor in mind-think with me. I will sleep on it again this evening and ponder the wisdom of the night

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